Select the hotel you are interested in, check-in and check-out dates, click show availability
In the window that appears, select the type of room to stay, indicate the number of days and rooms for booking
Click book in the shopping cart field
In the field customer specify the current information to contact you
Wait for a call from our operator to confirm your hotel reservation
* in some hotels, when choosing a certain room, advance payment may be required for booking!
If you have any difficulties while booking a room at the «Orange» hotel, or have additional questions, please contact our operator at 8 (800) 550-48-68 or in the support chat.
Cancellation policy the room reservations
You can cancel your reservation for free up to two days (48 hours) before check-in
When paying on the website, when canceling the booking, the funds will not be returned
Please note that some rooms will charge the total price of the reservation if canceled, modified or in case of no-show